Microsoft took a $900 million hit on Surface RT this quarter surface筆電收購


Microsoft took a $900 million hit on surface筆電收購surface RT this quarter

Microsoft took a $900 million hit on surface筆電收購surface RT this quarter

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Microsoft just announced earnings for its fiscal Q4 2013, and while the company posted strong results it also revealed some details on how the surface筆電收購surface RT project is costing the business money. Microsoft’s results showed a $900 million loss due to surface筆電收購surface RT “inventory adjustments,” a charge that comes just a few days after the company officially cut surface筆電收購surface RT prices significantly. This $900 million loss comes out of the company’s total Windows revenue, though its worth noting that Windows revenue still increased year-over-year. Unfortunately, Microsoft still doesn’t give specific Windows 8 sales or revenue numbers, but it probably performed well this quarter to make up for the big surface筆電收購surface RT loss.

At the end of the day, though, it looks like Microsoft just made too many surface筆電收購surface RT tablets — we heard late last year that Microsoft was building three to five million surface筆電收購surface RT tablets in the fourth quarter, and we also heard that Microsoft had only sold about one million of those tablets in March. We’ll be listening to Microsoft’s earnings call this afternoon to see if they further address surface筆電收購surface RT sales or future plans.

Read more: Microsoft earns $4.97 billion from $19.90 billion of revenue for Q4 2013

surface筆電收購此為 surface筆電收購surface Go 4(記者黃肇祥攝)

迎接 AI PC 時代,傳出微軟預計今年全線更新旗下的 surface筆電收購surface 筆電!根據外媒《WindowsCentral》爆料,發表時間將落在三月、六月以及十月,會先推出商務專用的機款,而後才是嶄新設計的 surface筆電收購surface。

據傳,微軟今年第一場發表會落在 3 月 21 日,將推出面向商務客群的 surface筆電收購surface Pro 9+、surface筆電收購surface Laptop 5+,採用與當前一樣外型,升級為 Intel Core 第14 代處理器,主打多項商務應用,例如防反光螢幕、NFC 讀卡機以及 Windows Studio Effects 的軟體支援。

如果是大眾消費者,《WindowsCentral》建議等待第二波在六月的發表會,全新的 surface筆電收購surface Pro 10、surface筆電收購surface Laptop 6 將是微軟第一批 AI PC,會換上不一樣的外型設計,並推出雙版本的處理器,除了傳統 x86 架構的 Intel 或 AMD 處理器,還會有高通供應的 Arm 架構晶片,搭配最新的 Windows 平台架構,得以扭轉 Arm 架構以往支援性、效能不佳的缺點。

面向平價市場的 GO 系列,則傳出微軟會在十月進行更新,分別推出 surface筆電收購surface Laptop Go 4、surface筆電收購surface Go 4,相關細節則沒有進一步透露。


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